Primary School Program

Dive into a program packed with both educational and exciting activities. A program created for the thinkers and doers of the next generation! For our students ages 12-18, we have put together a program that provides workshops for language improvement and activities to show them various aspects of American culture. In addition to language workshops, students may have the opportunity to participate in STEAM-related activities like trips to the Museum of Science, Robotics, and Art classes; American history; and even and cooking. If that’s not enough, we also offer extra field trips to Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C.!

To begin planning activities for your students’ one-in-a-lifetime experience, visit our overview page or start planning!

Requirements For This Program


Speech Pathology

These educational language sessions are tailored to include modern, meaningful topics related to each student’s profile, interests, and needs.

American History

Students learn about American history to help improve their understanding of American culture through the years.

Music Appreciation

A fun and educational activity where students learn about the range of American music genres all while practicing their skills with native speakers.

Learn to cook American food!

If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen! During the culinary workshops, students will learn and practice many different food types, American recipes, and basic cooking skills! With everything from hamburgers to American pies, and everything in between, these workshops are designed to create a fun and exciting learning environment. In addition, the instructor and participants will visit a local grocery store and farmer’s markets to recognize the produces and ingredients used in their cooking lessons!

Explore the beauty of American art!

As part of students’ cultural development we will expose them to American art and the techniques behind them. In this workshop, students will be hands-on with a local artist. She will walk them through a variety of art types such as drawing and painting, getting as granular as graphite vs. acrylic and more. In addition, we hope students come away from this workshop having created lasting masterpieces to help them remember their time in America.

S.T.E.A.M. Activities

During these activities, we will provide a meaningful experience to increase the participants’ understanding and interest of American culture, as well as improve their language skills and broaden their social horizons. Students will have the opportunity to engage in five different activities that are focused on STEAM-related information and learning.

Students will have the opportunity to interact with art universities in the New England area.

A tour and Q&A session with a New England technology company.

A day in the life of an Engineer. A tour and Q&A session with Engineers at New England companies.

Students will participate in both a culinary and art appreciation workshop.

Students will interact with members of the American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island Chapter.

University Tours

While in the HEIP, students will be exposed to several different schools in the New England area. With schools ranging from Ivy Leagues to state colleges, students have the opportunity to visit a well-rounded list of American universities. The goal when visiting these universities is to provide students with insight into higher education in America. During the tours, they can practice their English and learn more about the application process as an international student which will help them in the future should they choose to return to America for their secondary education.

Book Club

Through the introduction of a book club, students will discuss the genre of a historical fiction novel that introduces actual Rhode Island history. They will learn to analyze and synthesis the content of the story all in English. They will be taught to question why and how the author came to write the book. The process will enable them to appreciate literature and history integrated with language development.

Students will be encouraged to answer reading response questions on each chapter. They will develop vocabulary word building by defining words from each chapter.  The unit will culminate with an actual Historical Society walking tour of the streets within the novel and the scene of the author’s home which is the background of the book. Students will experience a virtual tour of where the historical characters actually lived and conducted their business.

Community Activity: Scandinavian Home

Students interact with senior citizens to better understand their part in American society. The students have the opportunity to learn about life in America well before their time and even organize presentations about their own home countries. This exchange of information and culture provides students with yet another facet of American life, cultural, and community to round out their experience in an American town.

New York City

Visit the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, major landmarks, and even the historic World Trade Center memorial site.

Washington, D.C.

See the nation’s most important monuments and museums, documenting American history since its founding.


Visit the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, major landmarks, and even the historic World Trade Center memorial site.

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